I am losing you again, Let me out and let me in, 'Cause you're not alone here, Not at all, Let me belong here, Break my fall

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

comment for jessica, but also kind of an update

So I've read all your blog entries so far and am still enjoying them. The Citizen's looks SOOO nice! and I LOVE your Tiffany necklace! I can't wait for wedding stuff also. : ) To answer your question from facebook, I've been kind of negligent on my blogging. My food blog (crystalsfoodjourney.blogspot.com) has been vacant for some time. I stopped my dieting. At this point I think I've gained like 3-4lbs from it, but it could be the way my body is normally changing at this point. I don't know. I don't complain too much these days because people just tell me to shut up. I have been taking pilates at school though. It's tues/thurs from 10:30-11:50am. I've skipped two times though >.< but I really like it. My teacher mixes it up some and incorporates some yoga and some other work out moves to work the obliques and the quads and back and abs and I really feel it afterwards. Here's a simple thing you can do that was taught from my class: Imagine that your belly button really was a button on the inside and your spine has a little spot for that to be button. So you're always trying to get that little button to the button hole. I like to imagine mine that I have a string attached to the back of my belly button and i'm trying to wrap that string as tight as i can get it around a button on my spine. Either way works. You're constantly enganging your core muscles if you're "buttoning your navel". Helps work those muscles. As my teacher says, we all have those muscles, some of us just have some more padding around them. haha. Helps with posture too. (which I'm really bad at). I'm also really bad at carrying around large amount of stress, so that's probably not helping my cortisol levels. It's something I need to work on. I have been trying to blog at seewhatsbeneath.blogspot.com, but it's a here and there thing. I might make it private with inviting people to be able to read it. I'm really broke right now, so it's hard for me to buy (healthy) food (i do try and grab some fruit when I can) and I wish that I had money so that we could go out and maybe even sign up for some exercise thing together, but I go to school 4 days a week and work 5-6 days a week and only really have free time on sun mornings and (sometimes) wednesday evenings and thursday evenings. And I generally try to spend at least one of those evenings with Kevin. I know it's 'excuses' but it makes it really hard when you have little time and very little money. Anyway, now that I've been ranting. I have to go take a math exam at school in Folsom. I'll see you at Renee's baby shower, if not before then! Ciao bella!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

" and I was like ok? And she said "a lot of people died." I hadn't really grasped the magnitude of what had really happened. Our school still made us go
This day 9 years ago, I was in the 8th grade. My best friend at the time, @Brittany holmes, came up to me and said "two planes crashed into two buildings
I want to say now I am sorry to all those who died and their families for my ignorance. It was a tragic day 9 years ago and we shouldn't have lost you.
to class and refused to let our parents take us home early. My history teacher, mrs. Wagner, made us go on with our lecture instead of watching the news.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Bottom Line

They really should put the title box below the post. Some of us just don't know exactly what we're going to talk about and feel pushed to put a title FIRST before writing. I know, I know...you could just type it in at the end, but I just can't do that.

I haven't posted in awhile because I've been busy and boy has it been kicking my butt. School started the day before my birthday and it seems like my body just hasn't caught up yet to the change in schedule.

So for an update on school: I'm taking Math 100 (Elementary Algebra), Pols 301 (Intro to Govt), and Pilates. Really the only one I'm excited to take is Pilates and I had to be persistent in order to get into that class. Math seems to be going ok except that it's going to be a lot of homework. I think I'll do fine in the class, because it's pretty much review. Picking that old algebra up from the back of my mind and dusting it off. I really don't see the point in the math class though because when am I going to use this stuff? I'm going into the field of Psychology and specializing in counseling of adolescents and children. I also think it sucks that I had to pay $75 to access my homework assignments online. Ridiculous! Intro to Govt is going ok so far. I feel like I'm not fully prepared for the class as I don't really like to talk about politics or current events (which is a requirement in the class). I also have the old edition of the book, so I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to use it to do my final project. It'd be better to have the new edition but it cost like $80. I need to start feeling like I have a handle on this. It's been 2 weeks already. 14 more weeks to go.

So today is labor day and I have no plans. So far the plan is to make pancakes. Buy Kevin a new watch. ..... We'll possibly go see The Last Airbender at the Sunrise Mall and go shopping. I have a $25 Sears gift card and a $40 Anchor Blue gift card. Although I just found out that there's not an Anchor Blue at the Sunrise Mall anymore, which means I'd have to go to Arden Fair Mall or the Roseville Galleria. Who knows what I'll do? I'm getting hungry though so I think I'll go make pancakes now.