I am losing you again, Let me out and let me in, 'Cause you're not alone here, Not at all, Let me belong here, Break my fall

Sunday, August 1, 2010

August Already

Where has the summer gone? The countdown starts until I begin school again. 22 more days to go. This month seemed to arrive so fast. There're a lot of birthdays this month, particularly me and my brother's. He'll be 21 on 8/9 and I'll be 22 on 8/24. I'm not sure what to get him for his birthday. He wants money (of course), which I don't want to give him. I'm thinking I'll get him a haircut and buy him some nice clothes. I got screening passes to see The Expendables on his birthday so I offered to take him to that. I feel like it's pretty lame though, because it's his 21st birthday and he probably wants to party it up. I don't know.

I don't even know what to do for my own birthday. I was going to go to South Lake Tahoe for 3 days, but it'll cost me like $400 or so and that's a lot to spend. When things seem to be overwhelming, my mind just goes blank. It's like my mind says, "This is too much to think about" and checks out. It's really quite annoying. The other alternative is that I get really stressed out and that's quite annoying also. Where's the middle ground??

My mom is moving into a new house with my Gma and my brother. My Gma bought the house outright from money she got from a life insurance policy when her husband died. It needs a lot of work though, so my mom's been over there lately working on it. I'm sure they'll end up making at least the outside look nice and the inside decent enough I suppose. I kind of wish I had a bunch of money so that I could buy nice things and decorate her house for her. What I have in mind that they'll end up doing is putting a bunch of mismatched stuff all over the house and it just won't look as nice as it has potential to.

I dreamt last night that I told someone that I also wanted to do Interior Designing. It would be quite interesting, but it's so much coursework. In order to be a good interior designer and to be respected by others, it seems like you would have to take so many art classes. Like art history classes, color theory classes, compostion, structure, etc etc etc. I once also thought about doing culinary school, but alas I decided to go with psychology with a specialization in child/adolescent psychology and counseling.


Sorry, went to make myself something to eat. Ended up making banana bread oatmeal (w/ one packet of maple and brown sugar), I added half a banana to it and should have stopped there, because I added a spoonful of peanut butter and I feel my insides are being clogged now. I can hardly eat it now, it's just so thick and sticky. Bleh. Oh well I guess.

Well I've run out of things I want to talk about right now. So I'll chat later. Ciao!

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