I am losing you again, Let me out and let me in, 'Cause you're not alone here, Not at all, Let me belong here, Break my fall

Monday, August 2, 2010

Leave Me With Some Kind of Proof It's Not a Dream

I feel like I should have something really interesting to update you guys on, but I don't. Work was pretty chill today. Got tipped $10 by someone for taking some pictures of them; that was pretty sweet. Ate some pretty good risotto and then went home, where I pretty much just facebooked and am now about to go to bed.

I might go down to Chico to visit my friend Kayla for her birthday. I haven't decided because I would be spending all day up there and I'd have to drive my car there and back. I know that sounds a little like, "Um...duh..." but I'm just a little worried about my car right now and it's a stick shift. Bleh. But it'd be really fun hanging out with her, so that's the part that's a little enticing.

In other news, I have this mole on my middle toe that I've had since as long as I can remember. When I was younger my mom swore that I never had that mole, but I could remember having it for a long time. Anyway, today it started hurting slightly. Almost like somebody just barely touch you with a needle or some light annoying "pain". It feels like its got bigger (I would describe it as a little more bulbous?..almost like its some squishy thing protruding my toe) which kind of stresses me out. It also kind of grosses me out and probably does to you too. I don't have really any health insurance that I could just go to the Dermatologist and ask them to remove it and then check for melanoma. That'd be absolutely scary, but it's something I worry about.

There's so many health problems that run through my family I'm curious what my issues are going to be. It's like I can't stop thinking about the impeding doom in front of me. It's like a car accident I see happening in slow motion but can't stop it. There are some thing I can do to try to prevent some things, like eating healthier and exercising, but so far I've put those things off. It's that darn young mentality. I've got time...I'm not really that unhealthy...I walk and stand a lot in my jobs. You know..those kinds of things. I'm pretty sure I'm screwed in this aspect, but that's another one of those "kinds of things". Gotta get over myself and put the effort in.

Maybe another day.

For now, I'm going to go to bed and wake up in the morning and go to Denny's with my boyfriend. <3 Ciao!!

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